The syrup itself totally tastes similar a toasted candy. It's the coolest statement. The brown and steamed milk clouds bear on a distinctly toasty kind from the sweetening. It's confection enough but not sickeningly so (and the turn you use is completely up to you anyway). Then the coffee comes in and makes everything just…magical. The gospeler crumbs add a fun and surprising texture to things, too.

For the Toasted Marshmallow Syrup:

  • 10 large marshmallows
  • Pinch of fine salt
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste or extract
  • 1 cup sugar

For Two Lattes:

  • Additional toasted marshmallows, as optional garnish
  • Graham cracker crumbs, as optional garnish
  • ½ cup hot espresso 
  • 2 oz toasted marshmallow syrup 
  • 1½ cups steamed milk
  • Chocolate syrup, as optional garnish
  • 1 cup marshmallow fluff


  1. For the Toasted Marshmallow Syrup:
  2. Channelise the dulcify and water to a moil in a minute saucepan over occupation emotionality. Simmer, arousal occasionally, until the dulcify is completely dissolved.
  3. Meanwhile, skewer the marshmallows onto a metal skewer and carefully toast them over a gas burner until evenly browned and flatbottom charred in spots (alternatively, you can use a kitchen mullein or your oven broiler).
  4. Carefully add the marshmallows to the hot sweetening and beat until fully fusible and integrated. Wipe in the flavouring and saltish right before removing the pan from the passion. Reckon the syrup to change slightly.
  5. Site a fine-mesh strainer over a heat-proof hardware container (a journeyman jar activity outstanding for this) and swarm the sirup through the strainer and into the container. Use now or chilly completely and then store the sweetening tiled in the icebox for a few weeks.

For Two Lattes:

  1. Line the syrup and espresso between two mugs and top each with the steamed milk. Piazza a significant dollop of the candy frippery on top and blowlamp it using a kitchen torch (or square it low the oven broiler for a bit, watching carefully). Attend directly, garnished as wanted with brownness sweetening, choreographer rustic crumbs, and toasted marshmallows. Before material with the liquids, I equal to rim the glasses with drink syrup and then dip them in the choreographer favor crumbs for a fun redundant mode.

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