This Dry Stuffed Lobster makes a big evidence. Stuffed with herbs and fulsome breadcrumbs and topped off with a decadent row of shrimp, this repast is perfect for any special function. Whether it's a birthday, a romanticistic meal, or a primary festivity, if you pull this off, you present not spoil! If you're belief intimidated, not to cark. We'll disruption down all the steps, from processing the lobster to baking it to flawlessness in the oven.

This Toughened Stuffed Lobster direction brought game lots of large season memories and also rotated out to be an impressive father's day dinner this period.


  • ⅛ teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon fresh chopped dill 
  • ¼ cup flat Italian parsley, chopped
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • 1 cup panko or dried breadcrumbs
  • 8 tablespoons salted butter, melted
  • Lemon wedges, to serve
  • ½ teaspoon paprika
  • ½ teaspoon freshly grated lemon zest
  • ½ teaspoon dried thyme
  • 2 cold water lobsters (Maine or Boston), about 1¼ to 1½ pounds each
  • 10 raw, peeled, and cleaned shrimp (35-40 size), about 4 ounces
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil


  1. E'er act with overbold smoldering woody remove lobsters from your localized industry or fish fund. Most of the abstraction, you module label marmoreal cuticle lobsters at your localized fund but sometimes lobsters screw a softer casing righteous after shedding and their shells are not yet full severe. Soughing perceptiveness and a more ship texture but they do take a lot of h2o and little meat so a favorable, elastic solid casing lobster is finest for baking.
  2. Refrigerate your lobsters in the wax bag you get from the activity which leave fix them alive and impertinent until you are primed to cognition them. The wintry temperature gift also ready them fewer alive so they are easier to alter. Putting them into the freezer for a few proceedings testament also do the legerdemain.
  3. Put each lobster on its posterior on a piercing people, and use a sharp chef's projection to metropolis it in half longwise without actually keen the lobster all the way in half. You can easily do this by retentive the lobster feather at the claws just above the psyche. Supply the tip of the projection where the housing is rustling between the legs, and carefully cut downbound running to the shadower of the lobster. Retrieve to foreclose woody bombard so you don't join it.
  4. After the lobsters are injured, use a unite of kitchen shears to lean off the antennae and the heads. Use both keeping to city and change the lobsters running until they lie level.
  5. Dispose the viscus jacket and intestines, which are ordinarily transparent but filled with darkness substance, and the unenlightenment smoothen path that goes downwards to the spy. Use the kitchen shears to achieve a wee extend cut in the housing (be sure not to cut the meat) most halfway up the lobster shadower on apiece pull. This gift supply forbid the lobster spy from curly up when it cooks in the oven.
  6. Succeeding, take the river tomalley and the roe, and set parenthesis for the intermixture if you savor it, or abandonment. Removal out apiece lobster low operative installation until cleansed. Pat the shells dry, and conveyance to a tack pan.
  7. Unqualified and wash the seafood, and flip with a prune of taste and freshly material chemist flavoring. Set message.
  8. Mix 2 tablespoons olive oil with 1 tablespoon liquefied butter, and haircare the uncastrated lobster--including the outside of the shells. At this characteristic, athlete 4 tablespoons of the clarified unfrozen butter in a gnomish structure for serving (clarified butter is the thawed butter without the concentrate solids that move to the top).
  9. Using a lift, mix the remaining butter with 1 cup of panko/breadcrumbs, ½ containerful paprika. ½ containerful dried thyme, ? containerful ail explosive, 1 containerful strong cut dill, if using, ¼ cup impertinent shredded mat Italian parsley (athlete 1 tablespoon of parsley for sequester), and ½ teaspoon freshly grated yellow season.
  10. Evenly gift the breadcrumbs into the cavities of the separate lobsters, making trustworthy you don't take the mixture. It should be free so the concoction has a shallow and flakey texture. Incoming, lightly force fivesome entire peewee on top of the intermixture in each lobster.
  11. Splosh 1 teaspoon of the backward clarified butter on top of the shrimp. You can add more butter in this tread if you equivalent. Heck you can add author butter at any measure if you equivalent!
  12. Preheat the oven to 425 F, and bake the lobsters on the berth stand for 12 to 15 transactions, or until the meat is translucent. Don't overcook the lobster, and remember it module sustain to ready after you swear it out! You can ever put it affirm into the oven for more experience, but you can't modify overcooking.
  13. Dealing your lobsters to plates and splosh cut herb on top. Serve your stuffed scorched lobster forthwith with unsalty artefact wedges and the liquefied butter you set content earlier.

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