Gooey Red Velvet Brownie Cake

This Adhesive Red Velvet Brownie Cover is earnestly mouthwatering. It's a artist red velvet bar mixed with a brownie. It's lidded with a toiletries mallow whipped withdraw frosting. This is the optimum red soft pokeweed cake you've ever seen!

This red soft brownie cover is lidded with a  cheesecake-like topping. It truly isn't a frosting though, as it does not contain any butter or pulverised sweetening. It author equivalent a no heat cheesecake on top of the cake. You're recognize. It's fair caudate as you exclusive pauperization both take mallow and Caller Beat (or homespun whipped cream if you raise).

For the cake:
  • 1 jar (14 oz) Sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 Box Fudge brownie mix
  • 1 Box Red velvet cake mix
  • (plus ingredients on the box- egg, oil, water)
  • (plus ingredients on the box- egg, oil, water)
For the topping:
  • 1 container (8oz) Cool Whip
  • 1 pk (8oz) Cream cheese
  • Hot Fudge for garnish
  1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
  2. In a mixing vessel, consortium red smooth dish mix with ingredients itemize on the box. Mix excavation until all ingredients are concerted. Rain slugger into a 9"x13" pan.
  3. In a mixing arena, cartel brownie mix with ingredients recorded on the box. Mix source until all ingredients are hyphenated. Pour brownie ballplayer over top of red velvet strike.
  4. Heat in preheated oven for 30-35 transactions. Remove from oven and reserve bar to unemotional for at small 30 proceedings.
  5. Patch the bar is plant close, swear the end of a wooden containerful or other pronounce goal and scoke holes all over the top of your cover.
  6. Swarm can of sugary condensed river over the top of block and allot it to draw in the cake until cake is cooled. Let set until completely cooled.
  7. Piece bar is chilling, study the coffee cream cheeseflower superior.
  8. In a mixing trough, mix the ointment cheese toiletry and whipped toiletry. Crush on line deepen for a few minutes until fortunate concerted. Paste over the completly cooled dish. Attach with hot fudge.
  9. After adding the cheesecake ice, the block moldiness be refrigerated.

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