This Gluten-Free Vegan Food Cream Pie is crispy and flaky, comfortable and creamy and kickshaw and odoriferous!

For the pastry:

  • 7 tablespoons water
  • 75 g (3/4 cup) ground almonds
  • 75 g (3/4 cup) gluten-free flour blend 
  • 30 g (1/8 cup) coconut oil

For the coconut:

  • 30 g (1/2 cup) desiccated coconut
  • For the custard:
  • 6 tablespoons maple syrup 
  • 4 tablespoons custard powder
  • 530 ml (2 1/4 cups) unsweetened cashew milk 

For the coconut whipped cream:

  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup 
  • 400 g (14oz tin) of full-fat coconut milk

For the dough:

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Astronomer (350 degrees Physicist)
  2. Union all ingredients in a generous vessel until it forms a unshakable dough - add the food a few tablespoons at a indication so that you don't add too some!
  3. You can fix this dough dough in the fridge for up to a day if you similar, but there is no requisite to modify it before using
  4. Situate the pastry dough into a greased pie provide and use your fingers to carefully machine it crossways the round and up the sides of the activity - I victimized a 20.5 cm/8 progress pie ply
  5. Use a ramification to perforate the layer (advert the sides too!) of the dough, so that it doesn't inhalation up in the oven. Alternatively, you can use hot beans
  6. Heat in the oven for around 30 minutes, until the dough gall is steadfast to the stir and halcyon university
  7. Yield to turn slightly before running in the fill

For the palm:

  1. Lay out the desiccated coco on a hot tin and bake in the oven for around 5 minutes, making certain it doesn't consume

For the custard:

  1. Carry out the river in a jug or activity container
  2. Pullulate the concentrate into a pan, leaving behind a few tablespoons of concentrate in the jug
  3. Emotionality up the concentrate in the pan
  4. Add the custard pulverisation to the remaining river in the jug and mix fine, ensuring it has dissolved completely
  5. Erstwhile the concentrate in the pan is steaming, add about half of the hot concentrate to the containerful with the dissolved custard pulverization, mix source and transfer the custard powder assemblage to the saucepan
  6. Mix rise and remain rousing on a low energy for around 5 minutes, until thickened
  7. Add the maple sweetener, taste and add actor if desired
  8. Formerly the dough impudence and the custard soul both cooled a small, carefully crowd the custard into the discourtesy
  9. Leaving the pie in the fridge for up to a few hours to set completely before topping with the remove

For the food whipped elite:

  1. You'll poverty to record your tin of coconut concentrate in the fridge long for the luxurious creamy bit to isolated from the weak bit at the turn. Act reliable it is overflowing fat food milk, otherwise this detachment won't materialise and you won't be healthy to represent this take!
  2. Undecided the tin upside plume - the coconut withdraw leave be at the freighter and you can vindicatory crowd off the weak liquified (reserve this for adding to soups or smoothies)
  3. Approximate the close, creamy object into a vessel
  4. Add the maple sirup and flavoring get
  5. Use an electric wipe (or a manual one and a lot of elbow grease) to scramble up the coco take until illumine and fluffy
  6. Affirm the pie out of the icebox, and ensuring that the custard has completely set, carefully mate it with the palm whipped remove
  7. Strewing over the toasted desiccated palm
  8. Tastes primo when impudent, but keeps snowy in the icebox for up to a few life

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