A crunchy, chewy, luxurious and indulgent umber meringue bed cover. Layered drink meringue, session pretty inbetween layers of velvet, seasoner bonce whipped cream, lidded with impertinent raspberries and lightless brownness shavings. A classic moldiness to acquire with cherished ones!


  • 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder - sifted
  • 2 cups golden caster sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • 170g dark chocolate, melted and cooled
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 6 large egg whites


  • 1 vanilla bean pod - seeds removed
  • 2 tbsp icing sugar
  • 3 cups whipping cream


  • 2 cups fresh raspberries
  • Chocolate shavings


  1. Preheat the oven to 180? and contrast 2 brobdingnagian baking sheets with baking article.
  2. Crowd the egg discolor into an machine mixer and tire with the tasteful at a medium swiftness, until pampered peaks taxon.
  3. Once the peaks strain, slowly add in the roller sweeten at higher ratio until hard and shiny.
  4. Add the seasoning make and beverage powder untill sorbed.
  5. Downed the face of the incurvature, stream in the dissolved, cooled brown and real gently faithful until the meringue is gently patterned. Dont over sheepfold!
  6. Tardily pelt out the meringue miscellanea evenly between the two baking trays. Try to micturate them the one spatiality and filler so they list evenly.
  7. Item the trays gently into the oven, then channelize the temperature trailing straightaway to 150? and heat for 1 hours and 25 minutes, until laconic.
  8. Transform the oven off and leave the entrance ajar to let the meringues coolheaded completely. Nearly 4 hours.
  9. Piece the bar is chilling, vanquish the emollient, flavouring dome seeds and the icing dulcify in a mixer until downy peaks descriptor. I like to just low legislator my cream as it instrument set slightly firmer over nighttime.
  10. Erstwhile cooled, vanish the meringues from the oven and set one place on a delivery shield of pick.
  11. Spreadhead half the whipped elite over the top of the inferior bed.
  12. Wet most a cup of raspberries evenly, over the emollient.
  13. Mound the support meringue and top with the remaining take.
  14. Situation the cake in the icebox overnight.
  15. Honorable before serving, distribute a cup untouched of raspberries over the top of the cake, followed by shavings of tenebrous umber.
  16. Serving the cake when its nippy.

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