Vegetarian Enchilada Casserole

This Vegetarian Enchilada Casserole is so easygoing to put unitedly, and freezes surface for ruddy, quick dinners. This is stuffed with bleak beans, corn, peppers and onions, and is a victuals that the whole pedigree faculty like. After you've had dinner, you'll be so willing you love a 2nd of these in the freezer for added period!

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This direction is one that I puddle oftentimes, with variations, but this classic mix of peppers, onions, black beans and callus is my favourite combining. So much wonderful veggie morality, but they are also all things that withhold so excavation.

  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 onions medium
  • 3 cups cheddar cheese shredded
  • 4 cups enchilada sauce 
  • cilantro 
  • 2 bell peppers 
  • 12 corn tortillas
  • 2 ears corn 
  • 1 can black beans 15 ounce
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt


  1. In a bowl, add shredded onions and peppers. Rainfall with olive oil and season with sea saliferous.
  2. Using the Intense Superheated Clean Countertop Oven, add peppers and onions to the cookery tray, and heat at 425 degrees F for 15 proceedings. If not using a steam oven, the onions and veggies can be sauteed in a frying pan for 5-7 minutes.
  3. When the veggies are cooked, put them place in the arena, and add the illegal beans and grain. Mix to combine.
  4. In an 11x11 pan, add 1/4 cup enchilada sauce to the round, and then add the premier sheet of tortillas. If you do not love a pan this filler, you can metropolis this instruction into 2 8x8 pans. If splitting into 2 pans, you'll require to cut several of the tortillas, and peradventure use a few supererogatory to head the layers.
  5. On top of the tortillas, add a layer of the someone noggin and produce smorgasbord. Top with mallow.
  6. Repetition until there are 4 layers of tortillas, and 3 layers of veggies, unfortunate beans and mallow.
  7. On top of the unalterable place of tortillas, add 1/4 cup sauce and the sleep of the cheeseflower.
  8. Bake denudate at 425 for 25 proceedings in the Scratching Superheated Steam Countertop Oven. If using a stereotypic oven, preheat oven to 425, and cover the casserole in ikon. Bake for 30 transactions, uncover, and heat for an more 5-10 minutes to brownness the cheeseflower.

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