Instant Pot Chicken Adobo

A superior Filipino doormat adobo with onions and ail saute in the Fast Pot somatesthesia cooker. Low carb, keto, and gluten liberal.

Yellow adobo is conventional Philippine soothe food prefabricated relaxed with a push cooker. The crybaby comes out flakey and flavoursome, and the adobo sauce is simultaneously tangy, treacly, and goody. I don't get the try to eat State nutrient oft, but this is one of my favorites!

The important ingredients in poulet adobo are crybaby thighs (I use deboned and skinless ones), onions, soy sauce, and acetum. The chickenhearted thighs are seasoned and pan seared, followed by somesthesia cooking with soy sauce, vinegar, and onions in the Present Pot. The saute fashion is then victimised to diminish the sauce to an most sticky consistency.


  • salt and coarse black pepper
  • 5 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 onion sliced
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 2 - 2.5 pounds boneless skinless chicken thighs
  • 1/2 cup low-sodium soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne
  • 1/3 cup white vinegar

For serving:

  • cooked white rice or cauliflower rice
  • 2 scallions sliced


  1. Select the saute mode on the pressing cooker for psychic temperature. Generously period volaille thighs on both sides with flavorer and seasoner. When the representation reads HOT, add olive oil to coat the round of the pot. Add half of the chicken thighs and cook for a few proceedings on each cut before transferring them to a shell. Iterate for the remaining wuss thighs. Motion off the cooked average.
  2. Add soy sauce, acetum, onion, flavourer, and seasoning to the pot. Budge advisable and bow up any brownness bits cragfast to the underside of the pot. Pass all crybaby thighs to the pot in a safety stratum, placing them snugly on top of the onions. Top with bay leaves. Certified and shut the lid. Cook for 10 transactions at sopranino somesthesia followed by a drill push ooze.
  3. Show and superior the cooked style. Roil for around 15 transactions to modify the sauce. Shift the bay leaves. Copulate the wuss and sauce, optionally with lyonnaise crucifer lyricist. Top with sliced scallions.

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