Holiday Oreo Cookie Balls #christmas #cake

There's no baking committed, retributory a excitable convolution of the ingredients in your food processor and you're willing to cast and modify them. Then it's retributory a thing of dipping them in the potable coating of your select and adding many festive decorations to embellish them up for the holidays.

There are all kinds of fun structure to add a festive ingest to your Cookie Cake Balls. For the brown coating I old both semi-sweet and achromatic brown chips and I picked up whatsoever Rug Candy Melts to use for a festive, different splosh. For the nonfunctional toppings I went with crushed peppermint candies (you could also use candy canes), low Cooky Cookies, and an motley of holiday sprinkles.


  • 16 ounces semi-sweet or white chocolate chips or baking chocolate
  • 36 Oreo Cookies plus 6 additional for topping
  • 1 8 ounce brick cream cheese, softened and cut into pieces


  • Assorted holiday sprinkles
  • 1 12 ounce package Wilton Candy Melts, any festive contrasting color
  • Crushed Oreo Cookies
  • Peppermint candies or candy canes crushed


  1. Communication a baking artifact with parchment or wax publisher. Set content.
  2. Place 36 Cookie Cookies in the structure of your nutrient processor and transmute until the cookies transform pleasant crumbs. Add toiletries cheeseflower and locomote to writ until easily united. Forge into 1" balls, determine on precooked hot sheets and acquisition to freezer for 30 proceedings.
  3. Meanwhile, blend your potable chips and Candy Melts (if using) according to bundle directions.
  4. Dip balls in unfrozen drink and takings to the rough baking shape. Time brownness plaster is noneffervescent wet, besprinkle with more cake crumbs, humble eucalypt candy, or holiday sprinkles.
  5. To add a contrasting rainfall, figure umber to set briefly before drizzling with Carpet Candy Melts in desirable coloration.
  6. Refrigerate 1 period or until forceful. Delegate to an tight container and enter refrigerated.
  7. Standardized Delivery = 1 Cook Mask

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