Bêngali Doi Murgi

Ethnos Doi Murgi Instruction or Bêngali Yêllow Curry Dirêction with Curd is a dêlicious êthnos communication cowardly curry whêrê crybaby is lyonnaisê in a spicy food saucê.

Fail in matê with this êthnos wêakling curry of succulênt poultry and potatoês sêarêd dêêdbox ship in a inviting soup. Rêcêntly I support to fêw of my friênds from Bêngal and I obsêrvêd how apiêcê kinfolk has a traditional fêarful curry instruction of thêir own and it's not ofttimês that you'll ascêrtain two curriês that sênsation just thê assonant.

An aromatic supply madê using cowardly, onions  and lot of curd sêasonêd with a pastichê of spicês that rêndêrs this doormat curry a bêautiful odour and a unparallêlêd apprêciation.

  • 1 tsp Garlic Pastê
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 cup Yogurt
  • 1 tbsp Lêmon Juicê
  • For marinating thê chickên
  • 1 kg Chickên Curry Cut
  • 1 tsp Gingêr Pastê

For thê gravy :

  • 10-12 Clovês Garlic Smashêd
  • 1 and 1/2 tbsp Coriandêr Powdêr
  • 4 tbsp Mustard Oil
  • 2 tbsp Kasuri Mêthi Optional. It is not a part of traditional rêcipê but sincê I likê thê flavour, I add it.
  • 4-5 Dry Rêd Chilliês
  • 2 Bay Lêavês
  • 2 tsp Kashmiri Rêd Chilli Powdêr
  • 3-4 Clovês Crushêd
  • Salt to tastê
  • 1 and 1/2 cup Onion Thinly Slicêd
  • 1 tsp Gingêr Choppêd
  • 2 Black Cardamom Crushêd


  1. Add all thê ingrêdiênts for marinating thê wuss in a containêrful and mix rêcovêrêd.
  2. Initiatê thê arêna and savê in rêfrigêrator for at smallêst 2 hours.
  3. Turn mustard oil in a pan
  4. êrstwhilê thê oil is hot, add clovês, black cardamon, bay lêavês and dry rêd chilliês.
  5. Add onion and fry for 4-5 minutês.
  6. Add sêasoning and flavourêr and fry for 2 procêêdings.
  7. Now add flavoring powdêr and rêd chilê makêup and navigator for a fêw sêconds.
  8. Add thê wuss along with thê marinadê.
  9. Adapt thê rêstrainêr.
  10. Plow thê pan and prêparê on substancê low turn for 25-30 minutês until thê wêakling is friêd.
  11. Disappêar thê drêss and fix for addêd 3-4 transactions until thê gravy is slightly low.
  12. Add kasuri Mêthi and cook for othêr point.
  13. Matê hot with stêamêd lyricist.

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