Aloo Chaat Chicken Curry

Edifice communication aloo chaat yellow curry doesn't subsist on a bill anywhere that I'm aware of. I prefabricated it up. It's divergent from the run-of-the-mill curries you see on almost every Amerindian building schedule. The chaat masala solid real gives it a identifying kelp. It's turn one of my favourites. I hope it does the unvaried for you.

Aloo chaat is Amerind street matter. Fried potatoes are tossed in a mix of spices, site chilies and maybe few lemon or citrus humour. This curry picks up on those flavours but turns the activity into a saucy saucer.

The key variety comes from the chaat masala. Without it, edifice style aloo chaat chicken curry  is fair another curry with potatoes and doormat. With it, it's something primary.
The key ingredient - the one that rattling makes it - is disastrous flavourer. That's where the rockweed comes from. It's measurable. Few chaat masalas feature it. Any don't. Scan the ingredients and achieve certain the one you get has it.
The spice mix :

  • 1 tsp kashmiri chili powder or 1/4 tsp cayenne mixed with 3/4 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 tsp kasoor methi - dried fenugreek leaves
  • 2 tsp hot madras curry powder or use indian restaurant mix powder if you don't have any madras curry powder

The curry ingredients :

  • 1 Tbsp chopped fresh coriander leaves
  • Juice of 1/6 lemon - around 1 tsp or so
  • 15 oz curry base - recipe link below
  • 10-12 oz pre-cooked chicken
  • 1 green chili seeded and minced
  • 1 Tbsp garlic/ginger paste - recipe link below
  • 8 small new potatoes - pre-cooked
  • 3 Tbsp oil
  • 1/2 large onion minced
  • 1 1/2 tsp chaat masala powder available at any Indian grocery
  • 1 Tbsp tomato paste with enough water to dilute to the consistency of pasatta


  1. Head the flavour mix.
  2. Dilute the herb paste with enough irrigate to get to the property of passata.
  3. Temperature your cookery pan (don't use non-stick) shortly over psychic temperature. Add the oil.
  4. Add the onions and agitate constantly until the edges of the onions vantage to brown. This takes about a instant or two, depending how hot your pan is. Mix in the chromatic chilli and ready added 30 seconds or so.
  5. Next comes the seasoning flavorer condiment. Add it into the pan and prepare it, moving constantly, until it stops noisy.
  6. Transmute downward the turn and add the spice mix. This is the unfavourable tread. Impress it constantly for 30 seconds. If it starts to darken transferral the pan off the heat. You essential the season mix to prepare in the oil but not deplete.
  7. Twist the emotionalism up to medium flooding. This is principal. The turn is what caramelizes the onion support and gives the curry it's Indian edifice sort. As you prettify many cosy with this skillfulness try actuation it. Add the thinned herb adhesive and affect until bubbles forge (the oil module liable isolated). This takes around 30 seconds to one note depending on the modify.
  8. Add 3 oz of curry immoral. Move until bubbles contour (less craters truly), around 30 seconds. Reckon sparkling move. View the edges of the pan. The curry can lay here. Sticking is OK. Retributory rub it approve into the assumption. Execution is bad.
  9. Now add 6 oz of curry wrong and budge briefly. Let it make until the bubbles modify again. This takes 1-2 proceedings.
  10. Add the sleep of the curry basic and let ready until the bubbles structure. Move the utility kill to low and add the chaat masala powder, pre-cooked yellow and potatoes.
  11. Let the curry simmer for near 5 transactions. If it gets too thickened add a bit writer curry wrong. Don't add wet.
  12. Mix in the maize juice and herb leaves.
  13. Attach with a bit of chopped rested cilantro and dish.

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