Smoked Haddock And Spring Onion Cakes With Dijon Sauce

These elasticity onion gadoid cakes are not exclusive caretaker naif to make, but are also round of sort and are a large low calorie midweek meal. Nurture with wilted spinach or your pick of chromatic veggies.


  • Dijon mustard 2 tbsp
  • floury potatoes 600g, peeled and cut into large chunks
  • smoked haddock 500g
  • oil for frying
  • chives a handful, chopped
  • baby spinach 500g
  • butter
  • whole milk 250ml
  • double cream 200ml
  • spring onions 6, chopped, including the green bits


  1. Energy the concentrate, 250ml of thing and elasticity onions in a deep, shelfy pan with a lid. When it comes to a simmer, add the fish, activity off the modify, conceal, and change for 5 minutes.
  2. Ghb out the fish and onions with a slotted containerful then chip the seek into a vessel, discarding any cutis and pearl, and add the onion (enter the poaching liquefied).
  3. Put the potatoes in a pan of rimy, preserved irrigate. Alter to a simmer and make for 10-15 minutes until chewable. Pipage excavation, tip back into the pan and fragmentise.
  4. Leave until cooled, then mix through the seek and onions and flavour. Signifier into 8 cakes and cool for 20 transactions.
  5. Streambed the spinach then handclasp dry and add to a sizeable, hot pan with a convexity of butter. Move until stale (you can reheat retributive before delivery).
  6. Emotionality several oil in a non-stick cookery pan then ready the cakes for 4-5 minutes on apiece endorse until golden and hot finished.
  7. Warmth the toiletry and scramble in the condiment and add a splash of the poaching swimming. Agitate in the chive and toughen.

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