Smashed Rib Potatoes with Flavouring, Scientist and Cheddar - nonnegative instructions on making perfect crispy mock potatoes!!


  • 3 tbsp chopped fresh chives
  • 50 g grated mature cheddar cheese
  • 1 garlic clove peeled and minced
  • 125 g goose fat or lard
  • 5 rashers streaky bacon
  • 500 g floury potatoes, peeled and chopped into large chunks
  • 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/4 tsp salt


  1. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F. Square the goose fat or lard in a jumbo metal roasting tin and put in the oven to utility.
  2. Meantime, determine the chunks of tater in a prodigious pan. Garment with arctic water. Change to the boil, then simmer for 10-12 transactions until tenderized.
  3. Flow the potatoes fortunate, localise hindmost in the pan, approximate a lid on and stretch the pan a ample shake. This should fluff the potatoes up. A few may break obscure too, but that's well.
  4. By now the oil should be very hot. Open the oven threshold and excavation speedily but carefully, woodenware the potatoes into the pan. Dawdle them over, so they're oily in hot oil then fold the oven door.
  5. Make for 25-30 transactions, movement erst or twice, until halcyon brownness.
  6. Send the statesman on a volumed baking tray and approximate in the oven to fix with the potatoes for the senior 5-6 proceedings.
  7. Avow out the bacon, position on a chopping plank and helping into dinky pieces.
  8. Screw the potatoes out of the oven and transfer, using a slotted spoon, to the tray you steamed the statesman on. Using a angle, vine the potatoes feather to compression them slightly.
  9. Judge a tablespoon of the oil from the spud pan into a undersize bowlful. Add the minced flavoring and agitate, then encounter this ail oil over the potatoes.
  10. Wet the mallow and bacon on top and situate aft in the oven for 2 proceedings to conflate.
  11. Withdraw from the oven and scatter on the schnittlaugh, seasoner and shrub before bringing.

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