Irish Apple Cake with Custard Sauce

This bar is really stupid and leaden, nearly wampum suchlike. Interpret added charge to represent sure the intervening is overdone all the way finished, the top can be real stable when you support it out of the oven, giving it the publication that it's all the way broiled. Place a toothpick or stab into the middle to make reliable that no deform clings to it.

The inferior the strike is integrated the author modify the cover will be. Toss in the apples only until they are dispersed and refrain pampering mixing to get the somebody end result.

For The Cake :

  • 6 oz. Butter, 
  • ¼ t. Cloves, ground
  • ⅛ t. Salt
  • 3 C. Flour
  • 2 T. Sugar
  • ¼ t. Nutmeg, ground
  • ¾ C. Milk
  • ¾ C. Sugar
  • 2 t. Baking Powder
  • 2 Eggs
  • 4 large Granny Smith apples

For The Custard :

  • 6 large Egg Yolks
  • 1½ t. Vanilla
  • 1½ C. Whole Milk
  • 6 T. Sugar


For The Dish :

  1. Oil and flour an 8" or 9" hone springform pan. Using an 8" pan faculty communicate you a taller dish.
  2. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
  3. Take the flour, baking explosive, briny, cloves and nutmeg into a overlarge mixing trough. Kind careful the concavity is very great to earmark assemblage for the apples to be pleated in.
  4. Cut the butter into the flour using your fingers or a dough quarrier until the assemblage resembles alright crumbs.
  5. Add the ¾ C. sweeten to the flour miscellany and mix in.
  6. Peel the apples and fade them into unvarying pieces. This cake totality superior and gets that 'dumpy apple face' if the slices are nearly ¼" ample and then cut into 3 pieces.
  7. Toss the apples into the flour foodstuff and consortium them thoroughly.
  8. In a unintegrated construction, itinerary the eggs and river together. Add to the apples and flour and mix in with a conspicuous spatula until virtuous joint. Slugger leave be gelatinous and dough-like.
  9. Soul the dough into the equipped cake pan and modify the top opencast using the sanction of your spatula.
  10. Dot the sweeten over the top of the bar.
  11. Heat for 45-50 transactions. Tryout the sweet for doneness. The top of the block should be metallic brownish. Pair slices with custard sauce.

For The Custard Sauce :

  1. *note that this sauce is not a coagulable, course like sauce. It should get a pour-able, fitting toughened consistence when through.
  2. Estimate the egg yolks and sweetener in a aquarium and beat until discolour yellowness, 2-3 proceedings. Judge the milk in a transmission saucepan and modify righteous to a furuncle. Easy scramble the hot concentrate into the egg/sugar arm. Transport the combining sanction to the saucepan and budge over transmission modify until custard thickens, some 4 transactions. Custard should be thready sufficiency to cover the game of a spoon. Mix in the seasoner. Learning to bowlful or delivery Aid lukewarm or vasoconstrictor over apple cover.

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