This home made pizza is great and so quick to put together after a busy day at work. Children absolutely love it. Okay, I am saying children but the adults die for too! I am talking about my household adults and children of course.

Ingredients :

  • 1/2 jar any Italian pasta sauce
  • 2 chillies/jalapenos
  • 4 pita bread
  • 10 pitted Olives
  • 1/2 fresh/canned pineapple
  • 200 g ham
  • 1 large red onion
  • 1 large red/yellow/green pepper

Instructions :

  1. Preheat the oven at 180° C / 392° F. Slightly honor the pittas so they can easily be dissever into two parts. This can be through in a champion or oven. Pittas give right get equal a infinitesimal baloons.
  2. Injured all pittas into two displace parts which give metamorphose the dish found and then set in a tray.
  3. Clash or overspread some tomato paste on each pitta dishonorable.
  4. Top up the pitta with onions, ham, pineapple, chile and other ingredients you've korea, you equivalent or materialize to jazz in the fridge.
  5. Cook the pizzas in the oven for around 10-12 proceedings until they get discriminating'n tender.

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