When ordering a pizza (which is a pretty rarefied occurrence now), my choice is Oceanic. I cogitate it is because I screw that unsoured and goody combining. So when cookery up whatever couscous and hunting at what I could add to it, Island name Couscous seemed similar a fabulous idea, and it totally was.

The unsurpassed occurrence near this too, is it is extraordinary for the object parentage, my kids favored it. I modify put both in their dejeuner boxes the incoming day and they brought them play completely treeless.


  • ½ red pepper, finely chopped
  • 1 cup 240ml) of chicken stock
  • 1 cup (240ml) of cooked ham, cubed
  • 1 small red onion, finely chopped
  • salt and black pepper to season
  • spray oil
  • 1 cup (240ml) of couscous
  • 1 cup (240ml) of fresh pineapple, cubed
  • ½ cup (120ml) of canned corn
  • ½ green pepper, finely chopped


  1. Spray a preparation pan over a line sopranino utility with spray oil, add the onion and peppers and saute for approx 6 mins to modify. Disappear from heat and set content.
  2. Add the hold to a soft saucepan, channel to a move, add the couscous, impress, appeal of utility and add lid and lead for approx 5 mins.
  3. Add couscous to a great construction, with onion/peppers and all additional ingredients, weaken with salt and fatal bush and mix fit.
  4. Like!!

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