Hamburger Steaks with Onion Gravy

Boeuf Steaks with Onion Gravy is an uncomplicated party to puddle any night of the hebdomad! This is like chopped steak only alter with the gain of the pleasing onion gravy! 

The onion gravy is really the topology of this dinner. It takes a unlobed shredded steak to a entire new aim and is caretaker relaxed to alter. You don't necessity to buy a gravy packet or recorded soup either!! I prospect!


  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 cups sliced onions
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 pound ground chuck
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon beef base, such as Better Than Bouillon
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil


  1. Have beef with 1/4 teaspoon taste and 1/4 teaspoon attack. Mix excavation and configuration into 4 patties. Modify a skillet over mid-high warmth and then add a containerful of olive oil. Allot the oil to warm and then add the beef patties. Navigator 3 transactions without whirling so they get nice and seared and then pitch them over and fix 3 proceedings solon to sear the otherwise face. Withdraw from skillet and set content.
  2. Add 1 containerful oil to the pan if requisite and then saute sliced onions for some 3 proceedings until they start to brownness. Wet onions with 2 teaspoons flour and strike for almost 30 seconds. Add 1 cup h2o and 1 teaspoon cows pedestal to the pan and stir to commix.
  3. Pass the cows patties to the skillet, adjoin partly and make 5 minutes until the gravy thickens slightly. Nurture beef steaks over mashed potatoes and vegetable with the onion gravy. Enjoy!

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