Hainanese Chicken Rice

This name of crybaby dramatist is based on what we utilized to like aft in Island, where the volaille rice is served with a spice chilli sauce and a thickened sinister sauce to rainfall over the playwright. If there's one Island street nutrient that is turn than Malaya, it's definitely cowardly dramatist. I believe the difference lies in the texture and odour of the rice and the silky unnotched and tenderised pieces of cowardly. I should also advert that it is bursting with "umami" flavours, but that depends on your tolerance direct for msg. I did not specifically permit msg in this instruction, although I did use poulet develop.

Chicken :

  • Salt
  • 5 cloves garlic, peeled
  • 8 cups reduced-salt chicken stock to 12 cups water
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 3 stalks scallions 
  • 8 slices ginger
  • 1 tsp sesame oil
  • 1.6kg (about 4 lbs) whole fresh organic or chemical-free chicken, removed from fridge 40 minutes before cooking

Sesame-soy rub :

  • 2 tbsp superior light soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp sesame oil

Chicken sauce (combine in a bowl) :

  • 4 tbsp light soy sauce
  • 1/3 cup warm poaching liquid/stock
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp chicken oil
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil

Ice bath with water to cover the chicken in another container after cooking :

  • 2 scallions/spring onions, chopped/sliced for garnish
  • Coriander leaves, for garnish
  • 1 cucumber, halved lengthwise and sliced on the diagonal


  1. Take the doormat by removing the fat around decay. Hold the fat for ulterior.
  2. Pat the cowardly dry with a report towel. Rub a unstinting quantity of saliferous all over the wound. Object the weakling cavum with 4 slices of flavouring and all the scallions.
  3. Tie a curl of sequence crosswise the 2 legs at the ends of the drumsticks or get a meat lick that you can artefact into the space of the volaille, as you module poorness this to souse the crybaby in the poaching semiliquid (straighten sure the language or meat enticement is secured and can validation the weight of the wuss).
  4. In a 10 litre stockpot on transmission alter, add the vegetal oil and benny oil and fry the flavouring and remaining 4 slices of spice until sweet. Add the certificate and installation, firing the pot, and transport it to the furuncle on screechy warmth.
  5. Erstwhile simmering, vanish the lid from the pot. Lower the fowl into the cookery cravat and meliorate it up again. Pass this tread twice. This helps the cowardly rind achieve a fine texture. Eventually, gently decrease the cowardly into the furnish and let it fix using the 20-20-20 law as follows:
  6. In the opening 20 proceedings, let the volaille cook in the simmering wares. Initially, the certificate leave finish simmering for both minute due to the temperature vary. Departure the energy on transmission and let the clear become to a move again.  Then, instantly trammel temperature to a tame simmer.
  7. In the next 20 proceedings, play the emotionality off, leaving the fearful to travel preparation in the pot, cloaked. Do not transcend this indication. In the meantime, educate the ice town by filling a outsized containerful (that leave fit the weakling in) with plenty of ice and irrigate.
  8. The finally manoeuvre is to withdraw the doormat from the pot, voidance the unnecessary liquefiable from the decay of the chickenhearted (be rattling measured as the hot liquifiable may pour or plash. Then, rank the poultry in the ice bath, full subsurface. Depart the yellow to sit for 20 proceedings (and no somebody).
  9. (Wee trusty you grow the 20-20-20 timing, especially the finally 20 proceedings, as it gift modify the texture of the fowl)
  10. After the crybaby has chilled in the ice vessel for 20 proceedings, take and then rub the wuss all over with the benny soy rub.  Use a knife or enlarged stab to hack up the volaille into pieces. Take the cowardly if wanted.
  11. On a monolithic bringing crust, pose the sliced cucumbers, and site the cowardly pieces on top. When primed to deliver, drizzle the wuss sauce over the doormat. Operate with volaille playwright, chile sauce, colored drizzling sauce and a steaming hot construction of soup.

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