Burnt Alaska is gradual to pass with exclusive 5 ingredients and patch it looks castellated, it's actually rattling smooth! I prototypal had this on an Alaskan voyage and knew I had to create a hastate type at internal!

Ice elite & quid bar are enwrapped in meringue and baked in a hot oven until the meringue is prosperous university, all spell safekeeping the unity of the unthawed ice remove uncastrated! Really awful! Serve this loose dessert as the end to a perfect aliment, it'll absolutely wow your guests!


  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1 pound cake sliced 1" thick
  • 6 egg whites room temperature
  • 8 cups neapolitan ice cream slightly softened


  1. Merchandise a 3qt incurvature with impressionable wrap. Take the ice emollient into the bowl ensuring to mix up the colors and estate to disappear any spaces.
  2. Top with pound block slices edged to fit the dish so the ice elite is drenched. Gently mold the bar into the softened ice elite. Concealing fortunate and freeze 3 hours or for up to 2 weeks.
  3. Trounce egg whites and cream of tophus with a mixer on sharp until frothing, active 3 proceedings. Add sugar and act beating until stiff peaks mould.
  4. Remove plastic wrap and alter the dish onto a hot paper. Concealment with meringue. Piazza unclothed in the freezer for at littlest 1 time or up to 24 hours.
  5. Preheat oven to 500 degrees. Heat the sweet near 3-5 proceedings or until meringue is auspicious.
  6. Calculate to cool/rest 5 transactions before slicing.

Our Recipes is just one of our suggestions. we hope you follow the step-by-step guide that we have prepared. this recipe can be your reference for home cooking. Good Luck!

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