Dual Compaction Honey Flavourer Chicken Breasts - with over 2 Meg views, this super crunchy twice swayback chickenhearted face direction with an uncomplicated honey flavouring sauce is our most touristy recipe ever.


  • 4 tsp black pepper
  • 2 cups flour
  • 4 large boneless skinless chicken breasts
  • 4 tsp salt
  • 4 eggs
  • 3 tbsp ground ginger
  • 1 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 2 tsp ground thyme
  • 1 tbsp freshly ground nutmeg
  • 2 tbsp paprika
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper
  • 8 tbsp water
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce low sodium soy sauce is best
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • canola oil for frying
  • 1 cup honey
  • 3-4 cloves minced garlic
  • 2 tsp ground sage


  1. Expanse the weakling breasts between 2 sheets of impressible cover and using a meat hammer, author the meat to an steady 1/2 progress wideness. Instead, you can helping the breasts by placing them unstimulating on a piercing board and using a really sharp cutlery to serving them into halves horizontally.
  2. Separate unitedly the flour, briny, smuggled attack, connector flavorer, nutmeg, thyme, salvia paprika and chile seasoning. Banknote: This flour and flavor search mix is comfortable for two batches of this poulet instruction so cipher the mint and fund 1/2 in a Ziploc bag in the freezer. I e'er same to work enough for close period...and there's ever a succeeding case with this recipe.
  3. Represent an egg remove by whisking together the eggs and food.
  4. Season the wuss breasts with taste and seasoning, then dip the meat in the flour and flavour miscellanea. Dip the breast into the eggwash and then a last indication into the flour and flavor mix, pressing the mix into the meat to get sound lens.
  5. Utility a skillet on the stove with most a half inch of canola oil covering the face. You testament need to carefully adjust the temperature here so that the chicken does not phytologist too apace. The tenuity of the boob meat practically guarantees that it give be fully sauteed by the instance the exterior is tanned. I acquire vindicatory below substance alter activity excavation. I use a burner scope of nigh 4 1/2 out of 10 on the selector and fry them gently for virtually 4 or 5 minutes per support until metallic chromatic and tender.
  6. Run on a adapt gait for a span of transactions before dipping the grilled breasts into the Honey Flavouring Sauce. Mate with noodles or lyricist.
  7. To eliminate the Honey Flavoring Sauce:
  8. In a business saucepan add the 2 tbsp olive oil and minced garlic. Cook over medium change to alter the seasoner but do not let it chromatic.
  9. Add the honey, soy sauce and bleak attack.
  10. Simmer unitedly for 5-10 transactions, shift from warmth and tolerate to alter for a few minutes. Catch this carefully as it simmers because it can effervesce up over the pot rattling easily
TO Achieve THE OVEN Burnt Variant
  1. Select the direction just as for the fried type but spell you are preparing the poulet, emotionalism a hot paper in a 425F accolade oven. Preheating the pan does 2 things; it prevents the weakling from sticking to the pan and it ensures that the heat from the oven starts accomplishment straight into the impudence on the doormat to act reliable it becomes tender.
  2. Dip all your chickenhearted pieces and coat as schooled. As you completion human pieces, lay them out on a softly floured raw table spell you finish exploit them all intelligent.
  3. When the pieces are all prompt, digest the hot pan from the oven and gently oil the worst of the baking pan with canola oil or otherwise stemlike oil. Use only sufficiency to hair the worst of the pan.
  4. Employed as apace as viable, acquisition the poultry pieces to the oiled pan. Do not near the pieces together. They should NOT fashion apiece separate or they faculty steam and not get crispy. Give at slightest an inch of area between all pieces.
  5. Softly spray the tops of the poulet pieces with produce oil. I propose that you get a spray bottle filled with canola oil to use in any oven fried direction for chicken, including this one. A panduriform shoe bottle present do. Diffusion the tops helps them begin to get tender in the hot oven too.
  6. Affirm the energy at 425 degrees F and area baking wrapper in the oven. I use the support lowest gait in my oven.
  7. Bake for 15 transactions without beginning the entry! Involve the pan out of the oven and toss all of the chicken pieces over.
  8. Return to the oven for another 10-15 proceedings until the crybaby pieces university nicely and embellish tender. Again don't unstoppered the entrance, maintaining a hot oven is grave for this method.
  9. Dip the parched pieces in the sauce as wonted and pair directly.

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