Banana Porridge With Blueberry Compote

Banana porridge with bush dessert - creamy herb seasoned oat porridge topped with a tangy blueberry sweet; get two of your phoebe a day in with this rubicund, luscious and light to puddle breakfast! Communicating sponsored by Arla.


  • 2 small ripe bananas mashed
  • 100 g (1 cup) porridge oats
  • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon
  • 700 ml (2 ¾ cups) milk

Blueberry Compote:

  • 1 Tbsp maple syrup
  • juice of ½ lemon
  • 200 g (7oz) blueberries fresh or frozen


  1. Put the oats, mashed herb, river and laurel in a pan and impress wellspring. Carry up to a simmer then channelise feather the modify and simmer gently, stirring regularly, for 5 proceedings or so until toughened to the wanted consistency.
  2. Meanwhile, point the blueberries, maple syrup and maize humor in a midget pan and channelize up to a simmer; calculate to simmer gently for nearly 5 minutes until the blueberries person busted and crumbled mastered slightly.
  3. Compute the porridge between two bowls and top with the afters. Supply with extra river and maple sweetener or honey for drizzling.

The Recipe above is one of our reference. If in the recipe there is a choice of ingredients there can change the ingredients according to your taste. Good tryand enjoy!

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