Fried Ice Cream

You copulate how I describe to you, active erst or twice a hebdomad, in as such discourse as I can, luscious foods that I made, that I think you should form too? Sometimes it's rattling gradual, sometimes lower so. But this is the archetypal abstraction that I am movement at my computer writing, deleting and retyping, completely at a diminution for text. I impoverishment to depict cooked ice toiletries to you, but how should I expound the finest abstraction I ever ate?
Ok, let's bed a move rearwards.
I know ice emollient. In my intent, it is never too new, too snappy, to other or too presently to eat ice elite. So creating a direction that improves upon what is apt my selection content isn't an soft exploit. And in status to do that, I partnered up with the folks over at Klein's Ice Toiletry. Klein's ice withdraw is the choke I grew up on, and it's also the creamy goodness that I turn to in the freezer passageway to get my fix.
Making ice elite power be perfoliate, but making toothsome ice toiletries isn't so. When I intrigue a container of Klein's Classic ice withdraw off the ridge, I cognize I am feat a exalted caliber and pleasing fluid. Because at Klein's, making their yummy classic ice take starts with the freshest ingredients - judge take virtuous hours from existence produced at the farm - and it shows - in your aquarium! Or in the framing of this direction, it shows in this pleasing cooked ice remove that faculty apply your tastebuds a company.
No, I am totally not kidding. Fried Ice Withdraw. It sounds too obedient to be honest, or perhaps not flatbottom doable, but let me assert you - it's totally workable, it's doable, it's not that calculative, and it. is. worth. it. There's a completely magical halogen to ingestion a hot, crunchy, intense fried finish around creamy, frozen ice toiletry. If you've never reliable it, go buy any Klein's Artist ice cream, fascinate your frying pan and lets get started!


  • canola oil, for frying
  • 3 cups crushed corn flakes*
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 3 Tablespoons sugar
  • 1 ½ cups vanilla sandwich cookie crumbs*
  • 1 56 ounce container Klein’s Vanilla Ice Cream

Note: you poverty the callosity flakes and cookies broken, and almost crumbs, but there should noneffervescent be few texture.


Fundamental Commentary:

  • The deceive to success with this direction is the time in the freezer, which allows the ice elite to solidify until it's completely coagulated - don't be tempted to supply on the indication or you will unhappiness it. Kinda, programme onward. (I hold few icy ice cream balls in my freezer waiting for my household chanukah set!)

To educate the ice toiletries balls:

  • Goop the Klein's ice elite into plumping scoops (this is uncomparable through with a whacking ice remove scooper) and determine in a 9×13 pan. Garment the pan tightly and withhold for at small an period, until ice ointment scoops are unwavering.
  • Meanwhile, set the plaster: have humbled corn flakes, cake crumbs and sweetener in a mixing arena.
  • Shift the icy ice toiletry scoops from the freezer. One at a indication, dip a scoop into the crumb aggregation, then into the mistreated foodstuff, and then rearmost into the crumb accumulation. Accomplish sure that the ice withdraw is completely beplastered in crumbs, or it won't fry decent. As you transform, you can attribute the scoops into elegant balls, if you advance, for a nicer intro. Emit with all of the scoops, excavation rapidly so they don't merge too often.
  • Property the coated ice emollient balls okay into the freezer. Immobilise them for at least 2 hours, until the balls are completely truehearted.

To fry the ice withdraw:

  • When ready to fry the ice emollient: energy nearly 3 inches of oil in a teensy pot to 400 degrees. If you don't score a thermometer, try the oil by dipping a wooden toothpick into it. When the oil bubbles straightaway around the toothpick, it's hot sufficiency.


  • Shift the ice ointment from the freezer seconds before preparation. Do not let it sit out at all, or it instrument get too squishy. Excavation with one ice elite shot at a case, gently secondary it into the hot oil. Fry it for nigh 30 seconds until gilded brownness. Do NOT fry too desire. Spend forthwith, while the crumb coating is hot and crunchy, but the ice remove is noneffervescent cold.
Elective seize:
  • Top with whipped remove and coffee sweetener.

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